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IDEA members event...


  • 5 May 2022 5:36 AM | Anonymous

    Support the participants of the Young IDEA Lab 2022!

    The next project of Young IDEA that brings young theater-makers and educators together to devise a performance is happening from June 24- July 6 in Reykjavik!

    Young people from 7 different countries will take part, but not all have the means to support their travel costs, that's why we need you!

    With your donations, young theater-makers and educators from Togo, the Philippines and South America can travel to Iceland and experience a cross-cultural exchange, create a performance and make their voices heard through their art! 

    Please consider donating now under: 

    More information about the project

  • 5 May 2022 5:19 AM | Anonymous

    The 2022 IDEA General Council Meeting will take place during the Worldwide Congress in Reykjavik, Iceland from 4th-8th July. Registrations for the GCM are now open and IDEA members are encouraged to submit motions for the meeting. 

    Please, see the following documents in the attachments below:

    1. Invitation letter to the 2022 GCM and the preliminary agenda, written in English, French, Spanish and Chinese

    2. Registration forms in English, French, Chinese and Spanish - to be sent by 6th June 2022

    3. Forms for motions, one in English, French and Spanish and the other in Chinese - to be sent by 23rd May 2022

    4. GCM proxy form, in case you can't make it to Iceland and you wish for another member to represent you and vote in your name

    GCM 2022 Invitation Letter.docx

    REGISTRATION English.docx

    REGISTRO Asamblea general .docx

    REGISTRATION French.docx

    REGISTRATION, Chinese.docx

    2022 GCM Motions; English, French, Spanish.docx

    2022 GCM Motions, Chinese.docx

    2022 GCM Proxy vote.docx

  • 28 Apr 2022 4:52 AM | Anonymous

    Stop Ecocide, Start Good Living!

    Arrête l'écocide, commence le bon vivre!

    Pare el ecocidio, comience el buen vivir!

    Pare ecocídio, começa bem viver!

    The second session of the webinar series Stop Ecocide and Start Good Living! is taking place on Zoom on 7th May from 12pm to 2 pm UTC. Join us, invite your colleagues and let us all act together through art and education to save our world!

    Lire en français: Français_Arrête l'écocide, commence le bon vivre!

    Leer en español: Español_Pare el ecocidio, comience el buen vivir!

    Theatre Education to Stop Ecocide and Start Good Living!

    Theatre education in schools and communities enables us, students and teachers, to create, produce and perform the futures we envision. Can we each act, together, on time, to save our world?

    This series of three webinars places performance at the heart of South-North dialogues to achieve three aims in times of ecocide and climate collapse:

    ● To view an Amazon-German students-theatre project collaboration as an example, to see how we might work in the space between Ecocide and Good Living.

    ● To view a Global project collaboration and six communities in crisis to see how students' theatre projects in schools might act globally in our local place, between Ecocide and Good Living.

    ● To identify diverse strategies and develop plans for theatre education for Good Living through collaborative projects in and between different regions across the world.

    This webinar series, proposed by Joachim Reiss and Tonio Kempf (former and actual presidents of BVTS), has emerged from a long collaboration between Brazilian (ABRA) and German national associations of theatre educators and drama in school, inspired by Amazonian projects (coordinated by former IDEA President, Dan Baron Cohen).

    Webinar 1 - held on Saturday, April 9th, 2022

    Webinar 2 - Saturday, May 7th, from 12pm to 2pm UTC - Context and example of Global Multicultural Collaborative Project

    Webinar 3 - Saturday, June 4th, from 12pm to 2pm UTC

    After the end of each webinar, there will be an Open Space of 30 minutes where participants can continue the conversation in the chat if they wish. 

    Participation in the first webinar is not a condition for participation in the second one - everyone is welcome! 

    Check the local time of the event here and join the webinar via the Zoom link below.

    IDEA INTERNATIONAL is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: Stop Ecocide - Start Good Living! Webinar on 7th May 12pm UTC

    Time: 7th May 2022, 12pm - 2pm UTC

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 842 2590 6499

    Passcode: 376122

  • 27 Apr 2022 1:06 AM | Anonymous

    The fourth session of the webinar THE (HI)STORY OF IDEA will take place on Saturday, 30th April at 12 pm (noon) UTC on Zoom. Please, join us and invite your colleagues, so we can all together map the history and future of drama/theatre education through IDEA's story.

    The event is conceptualized as an intergenerational and intercultural dialogue that examines IDEA history through a critical lens, but also with an aim of tracking the evolution of drama/theatre education and directing its future.

    The featured guests of the fourth session are Dan Baron Cohen and Andreea Jicman, while the session host is Zeki Ozen, IDEA Director of Research, and the technical host is Borisav Matic, the IDEA Administrator.

    Dan Baron Cohen is a community performance educator and eco-cultural activist of Welsh-Quebecois origin, who has lived in the Brazilian Amazon city of Marabá since 2008.

    In 1998, a visiting professorship at the University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, launched collaborations with landless, indigenous, trade-union and university communities across Brazil. He has dedicated the past 24 years to developing his Transformance pedagogy (transformation through performance) in collaboration networks in Africa, Asia, Latin America, North America and Europe.

    Between 2001-2012, Dan contributed to the International Council of the World Social Forum. Between 1998-2004, he served as President of the GMC of IDEA and between 2004-2010, as President of the EC. In this capacity, Dan co-founded and chaired the World Alliance for Arts Education (2006-2010), collaborating with UNESCO.

    Today, Dan prioritizes his 12-year Rivers of Meeting project in the Afro-Indigenous village of Cabelo Seco, nurturing youth-led community cooperatives. These performance educators coordinate solar-energy, medicinal plant gardens, street libraries and cinemas, and workshop courses in their Community University of the Rivers, to nurture a paradigm of education based on ecopedagogies for sustainable community.

    Dan has published essays, poems, videos and the books: Theatre of Self-determination, Cultural Literacy, Harvest in Times of Drought, and the Rivers of Meeting Pedagogies.

    Andreea Jicman is an associate professor at UNATC „I.L. Caragiale” at the Center for Pedagogical and Didactic Training from February 2021. She is also collaborating with different private and public schools for theatre workshops.

    Over time, she has worked with people ranging in age from 3 years to adults, in contexts of non-formal or formal education, thus gaining experience in working with various groups. During the past few years, she was part of the coordination and implementation team of several activities (conferences, exploratory seminars, workshops) and educational projects implemented by the Theatre Pedagogy MA within the Acting Department of “I.L. Caragiale” UNATC.

    She graduated the BA in Communication (SNSPA) and the MA in Theater Pedagogy (UNATC). In February 2021 she presented her doctoral thesis entitled “The art of theatre for social inclusion”, an argument in favor of adapting and applying theatrical methods and techniques to facilitate an inclusive climate within the educational environment. The aim of her research interest is to identify concrete ways to use theatre for educational purposes and as a tool for cultural intervention.

    You can check the local time of the event here.

    You can follow the event via live stream on our Facebook or join directly the Zoom meeting.

    IDEA INTERNATIONAL is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: THE (HI)STORY OF IDEA Webinar on 30th April

    Time: Apr 30, 2022 12:00 PM Universal Time UTC

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 817 8624 1375

    Passcode: 139026

  • 7 Apr 2022 11:50 PM | Anonymous

    IDEA and the IDEA Congress in Iceland will hold a webinar on ZOOM on April 20 from 14: 00-15: 30 UTC to introduce the activities of the Special Interest Groups at the Congress. (Check your local time here). 

    At the webinar, the leaders of the Special Interest Groups (SIG) who will be at the conference will introduce themselves and the issues that will be addressed there.

    The following eight SIG groups will be introduced:

    1. Drama and theatre in a multicultural world – Wendy Lathrop Meyer and LI Dequan

    2. Drama and theatre in kindergarten and primary schools. – Merete Sörensen and George Belliveau

    3. Youth: Drama and theatre in secondary education – Annemari Untamala and Hanna Saari

    4. Strategies, tactics, steps for drama/theatre as a school subject – Joachim Reiss and Nancy Stella Franco Rendon

    5. Teacher Training in drama and theatre – Larry Schwarts and Monica Prendergast

    6. Theatre for community development – Silvia Vammaro and Marianne Nødtvedt Knudsen

    7. Drama for peace education – Tintti Karpinen and Zeki Ozen

    8. Drama and theatre in Science, Technology and new Media – Liliana Galvan.

    Each moderator has about 5-10 minutes to introduce their project. After the presentations, there will be time for questions and discussions.

    The activities of SIG groups are an important part of every IDEA conference. Many issues concerning the progress of theater in school work and the social context are discussed and dissected. These groups often continue to work after the conference ends, and sometimes they live from one conference to another. By working in a SIG group, it is possible to be influenced by others and promote progress in acting in society.

    We encourage everyone interested in the Special Interest Groups to come to the webinar

    IDEA, FLÍSS and The University of Iceland

    Join the webinar by the Zoom link below: 

    IDEA INTERNATIONAL is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: Webinar on SIGs for the IDEA Congress in Iceland

    Time: Apr 20, 2022 02:00 PM Universal Time UTC

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 842 4398 9172

    Passcode: 027525

  • 3 Apr 2022 10:01 PM | Anonymous

    Theatre Education to Stop Ecocide and Start Good Living!

    Español_Pare el ecocidio, comience el buen vivir!.docx

    Français_Arrête l'écocide, commence le bon vivre!.docx

    Theatre education in schools and communities enables us, students and teachers, to create, produce and perform the futures we envision. Can we each act, together, on time, to save our world?

    This series of three webinars places performance at the heart of South-North dialogues to achieve three aims in times of ecocide and climate collapse:

    ● To view an Amazon-German students-theatre project collaboration as an example, to see how we might work in the space between Ecocide and Good Living.

    ● To view a Global project collaboration and six communities in crisis to see how students' theatre projects in schools might act globally in our local place, between Ecocide and Good Living.

    ● To identify diverse strategies and develop plans for theatre education for Good Living through collaborative projects in and between different regions across the world.

    This webinar series, proposed by Joachim Reiss and Tonio Kempf (former and actual presidents of BVTS), has emerged from a long collaboration between Brazilian (ABRA) and German national associations of theatre educators and drama in school, inspired by Amazonian projects (coordinated by former IDEA President, Dan Baron Cohen).

    Webinar 1 - Saturday, April 9th, 2022, 12pm UTC

    Context and Example of Global South-North Collaborative Projects

    Webinar 2 - Saturday, May 7th

    Webinar 3 - Saturday, June 4th

    Check the local time of the event here and join the webinar via the Zoom link below.

    IDEA INTERNATIONAL is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: Stop Ecocide - Start Good Living! Webinar on 9th April 12pm UTC

    Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

    Join Zoom Meeting 

    Meeting ID: 842 2590 6499

    Passcode: 376122

  • 25 Mar 2022 9:28 PM | Anonymous

    Dear friends,

    Isn‘t now everyone preparing for the IDEA Congress in Reykjavík, Iceland, 4-8 July?!  

    Registration is now in full swing and we would like to remind those who are interested that the early bird registration ends on 7th April.  It is always good to be able to register before that time to get a good price. If you have any questions, please write to the conference committee at We would also like to draw your attention to  our website where all the information on the congress are: 

    Congress organizers

    Note: the early bird registration was extended from 3rd April to 7th April because of some technical issues that arose on the Congress website. 

  • 24 Mar 2022 7:39 AM | Anonymous

    The third session of the online event THE (HI)STORY OF IDEA will be held on Saturday, 26th March at 12 pm (noon) UTC.

    The event is conceptualized as an intergenerational and intercultural dialogue that examines IDEA history through a critical lens, but also with an aim of tracking the evolution of drama/theatre education and directing its future. 

    The featured guests of the third session are Larry O'Farrell and Nefeli Angeloglou. 

    Larry O' Farrell is Professor Emeritus and past holder of the UNESCO Chair in Arts and Learning, Faculty of Education, Queen's University, Canada.  Larry served two terms as President of IDEA.  He has presented keynotes, research papers, and workshops in more than 30 countries and has published hundreds of scholarly articles, abstracts, chapters and books. As General Rapporteur for the 2nd UNESCO World Conference on Arts Education (Seoul, Korea, 2010) Larry was responsible for writing The Seoul Agenda:  Goals for the Development of Arts Education. 

    Nefeli Angeloglou is a Greek theater maker and pedagogue working in Germany. She works with children, teenagers and adults using digital media, sound and stage elements and is passionate about democratic and feminist work integrated into school and pedagogical concepts.

    The session host is Zeki Ozen, IDEA Director of Research, while the technical host is the IDEA Administrator Borisav Matić. 

    To check your local time, visit the following link

    You can follow the event on a live stream on our Facebook page or join the Zoom meeting. 

    IDEA INTERNATIONAL is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
    Topic: THE (HI)STORY OF IDEA 26th March 2022
    Time: Mar 26, 2022 12:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time
    Join Zoom Meeting
    Meeting ID: 895 4213 2597
    Passcode: 942134

    Adriana Nichting's drawing of the March 12 session of THE (HI)STORY OF IDEA

  • 22 Mar 2022 12:51 AM | Anonymous

    We invite you to the next African Theatre Webinar with the topic "Creating New Spaces Together: Ways of Collaboration in a Multi-Perspective World". 

    Date: 23rd March

    Time: 4 pm UTC/ check your local time here


    Prof. Mercy Mirembe Ntangaare (Department of Performing Arts and Film Makerere University, Uganda) 

    Prof. Marion Kuester (Hochschule fur Musik und Theater Rostock, Germany. Rostock University, Germany)  

    The webinar will also feature a picture show of Adriana Nichting's drawings of the African Theatre Webinar. 

    Join the webinar via link below:

    Meeting-ID: 931 5460 9058

    Passcode: 859621

  • 13 Mar 2022 11:49 PM | Anonymous

    The World Alliance for Arts Education (WAAE), a global network for associations - including IDEA - representing arts educators worldwide, notes with grief the ongoing conflicts that cause such havoc and pain for human beings. This violence denies youth and their communities the simple experiences of peace, education, and culture without which no one can thrive. The WAAE advocates for international collaboration and understanding, and such irresponsible and unprovoked violence are an assault on all those who seek to enable education, cultivate culture, and promote peace.

    WAAE, in recognition of the human rights to peace, education, and culture, strongly condemns all violence and conflicts. Recognizing an urgent need for peace education, WAAE urges leaders and individuals to endeavor to give peace a chance, especially through arts and cultural learning. We acknowledge the power of arts education to develop consciousness and foster harmony between individuals, society and environment.

    The WAAE sends its thoughts and expresses its solidarity to the millions of arts educators in areas of conflict and around the world who are working for peace, showing compassion, using the power of the arts to foster and transform humanity through our schools, communities, and societies.

    The WAAE pledges to support arts educators who harness the power and potential of education through the arts to promote peace. We challenge all arts educators around the world to continue to work together for a strong international community of arts education fostering collaboration, inclusion, empathy, and compassion for all.

    10 March 2022

    Advocating For Arts Education Worldwide  

    The word "peace" written in different languages

IDEA is a non-profit professional association for Drama Education registered in Portugal. 

Rua Bernardo Santareno 2f – 2 k 2825-446 Costa da Caparica.

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© IDEA 2022

English: International Drama/Theatre and Education Association 

Portuguese: Associação Internacional de Teatro Educação

French : Association Internationale Théâtre et Éducation 

Spanish: Associación Internacional Teatro y Educación 

Chinese: 国际戏剧/戏剧和教育协会

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