The Co-directors of Projects and Concepts are organizing the second Online World Festival ‘Together We Go On’ from August 26 at 8 am UTC until August 27 at 8 pm UTC.
To be as inclusive as possible we are going to program 36 hours non-stop. No time zones, no one excluded.
It will be a 36 hours online Festival!

Screenshot from the Together We Go On Festival in 2021
We invite all IDEA members to send their proposals for content to the Co-Directors of Projects and
The content can be:
- a live stream of a performance
- conclusions from the Webinars
- special interest groups
- lectures
- IDEA Research
- a presentation of a current project
- an interactive intervention
- an introduction to the World Congress in China 2024
- Young IDEA
The deadline for proposals is August 7, 2023.
We are looking forward to your proposals,
Tomas Leijen and Tom Willems, Co-Directors of Projects and Concepts IDEA